

Last Friday, in Garrofé we received many visits. Dozens of people came to our office to see how our agency works and and some of the projects we have done.

The visit was part of the Barcelona Desing Week, an initiative in which companies open their doors and anyone can come to know the working environment of Barcelona’s most important agencies in the design sector.

It was the first time Garrofe participated in this event and we really not expect so many people, our agency became too small to accommodate the nearly 60 people who had signed up to visit. After organizing the visit into three groups, we show them the facilities and explain how works a packaging&design agency.

Olga, Eva and Natsumi were responsible to explain everything involving this type of project, from idea generation to manufacturing of the packaging itself. Also taught real samples of boxes made for some of the clients live Garrofé and saw how a cutter works, a machine that we make some packaging samples and do tests before creating a final model.

To show our appreciation we gave them each a cardboard letter, not to forget their visit to Garrofé and its approach to the world of packaging design.

Nous avons reçu deux prix Nobel Liderpack 2011, qui ont été livrés en 2012 juste Hispack à Barcelone. Les gagnants, tant en matière de santé et de la catégorie beauté ont été créés Woman’secret W’eau emballage, la publicité au point de vente et de la balance Skeyndor ligne claire, l’utilisateur final orienté.

L’emballage créé pour Woman’secret noté pour sa façon unique de zigzag à contenir le produit, un pack de bienvenue destiné à introduire trois nouvelles fragrances.

Pour sa part, la balance conception de la ligne claire, a proposé un emballage épuré, intégrant une rainure latérale formée d’origine dans la même filière du récipient et identifier les familles de produits futurs.

Taking advantage of the last Spanish elections, in Garrofé we’ve designed a funny campaign to send to our clients: we’ve created a physical mailing in propaganda format with a humorous touch, in which we were giving several reasons to trust in the one who would be our number 1 in lists, Josep M ª Garrofé. The set was completed with an electoral ballot with the names of the whole team and a button with the photo of our “leader”. Vote for Garrofé!
A silver and a bronze Prize Laus for two creations realized for Perfumeries Júlia. It is what we obtained in these prestigious awards. The Laus Plata was for the exclusive packaging created for Júlia’s PCHP14, whereas the Laus Bronce was for the nutricosmetic line of Júlia. A luxurious recognition of our work, of between more than 1.200 offers presented to these prizes.
The packaging design we did for Cuevas’s Marrón Glacé has earned a Silver Award Best Pack 2012.

The redesign of this range is focused on providing an aesthetic that included the concept of luxury, giving it a more youthful and renewed after the image of the product.

We are proud to have received this Best Pack Plata, which motivates us to to continuing applying our creativity to each project.
